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La piattaforma per cineasti indipendenti Ventura giunge alla sua tappa finale


- Dodici progetti sono presentati questa settimana al mercato della coproduzione, con i nuovi lavori di Jacqueline Lentzou, Andrés Duque, Camilo Restrepo, Alessandro Comodin e Ben Rivers, tra gli altri

La piattaforma per cineasti indipendenti Ventura giunge alla sua tappa finale
La regista Jacqueline Lentzou, che partecipa alla piattaforma con il suo progetto A Day in the Life of Jo. Chapter: Phaedra

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

Organised by the cultural association Enfoques, responsible for the international film festival Play-DocVENTURA is a new platform for international filmmakers and producers of independent films with a strong artistic vision (read more). Activities take place throughout the year in three distinct stages, focused on professional training, project development and industry meetings, combining online and in-person activities.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

After successfully holding its two initial stages reserved for Spanish projects, - online mentoring and professional training and an intensive writing residency - VENTURA will hold its final stage which will be an international co-production market in Tui (Galicia, Spain) from 8 to 9 March. A number of personalised meetings will be held with representatives from production companies, distributors, funds, markets and international festivals.

The twelve projects participating in this co-production forum - details at the end - have been selected out of 257 applications and represent eleven countries: Argentina, Colombia, Croatia, Slovenia, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom and Serbia. All of them will compete for the €10,000 prize and a number of awards in services provided by Cinemar Films, Cormorán VFX, Laboratorio Numax and the Doc's Kingdom seminar. In addition to these, there are also two distribution agreements with Atalante, in Spain, and the Austrian sales agent Filmgarten.

VENTURA is a project funded with the support of the European Union - NextGenerationEU, the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA) and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, with the collaboration of the Concello de Tui and Play-Doc, Tui International Film Festival.

The projects:

A Day in the Life of Jo. Chapter: Phaedra – Jacqueline Lentzou (France/Greece)
Production: Andrea Queralt (4 a 4 Productions)

As estaçoes (The Seasons) - Maureen Fazendeiro (France/Portugal/Spain)
Production: Luís Urbano (O Som e a Fúria), Valentina Novati (Norte Productions), Beli Martínez (Filmika Galaika)

Después de nada (After Nothing) - Carla Andrade (Spain)
Production: Pilar Monsell (Proxémica), Gonzalo E. Veloso (Testaferro)

El alumbre (El alumbre) - Alejandro Tarraf (Spain)
Production: Felipe Lage (Zeitun Films)

Elena dio a luz a un hermoso niño (Elena Gave Birth to a Beautiful Child) - Chiara Marañón, Juan Soto Taborda (Spain/Colombia)
Production: Ricard Sales (LaCima Producciones), Sandra Tabares Duque (Sandelion Productions)

La casa en la frontera (The House in the Border) - Andrés Duque (Spain)
Production: Andrés Duque

La chambre d’ombres (Room of Shadows) - Camilo Restrepo (France)
Production: Helen Olive (5 à 7 Films)

Mare’s Nest - Ben Rivers (France/United Kingdom)
Production: Andrea Queralt (4 A 4 Productions)

Mil ourelas (Woodland Bounds) - Sebastián Uría (Spain)
Production: Olaia Ledo (Nós), Oliver Laxe (Filmes da Ermida)

Montaña ou morte (Mountain or Death) - Pela del Álamo (Spain)
Production: Felipe Lage (Zeitun Films)

Serena (Serena) - Alessandro Comodin (France/Italy)
Production: Thomas Ordonneau (Shellac), Tommaso Bertani (Ring Film)

U Senci Rogova (In the Shadows of the Horns) - Ognjen Glavonić (Serbia/Slovenia/Croatia/France)
Production: Dragana Jovović (Non-Aligned Films)

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

(Tradotto dallo spagnolo)

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