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L'ICAA spagnola distribuisce quindici milioni di euro di aiuti selettivi tra 45 titoli


- Lucía Aleñar Iglesias, Itsaso Arana, Alberto Gastesi, Santi Amodeo, Eloy Domínguez Serén, Ángel Santos e Neus Ballús, tra gli altri, ricevono sovvenzioni per i loro film

L'ICAA spagnola distribuisce quindici milioni di euro di aiuti selettivi tra 45 titoli
La regista Lucía Aleñar Iglesias, selezionata con Forastera

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

On 22 June, the provisional resolution of the first selection procedure for the selective grants for the production of feature films in 2023 was published on the website of the ICAA - Spain’s Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts. A total amount of 14,971,033.05 euros is allocated to the credit available in the Film Protection Fund of the institute’s 2023 expenditure budget.

This provisional list includes the awarding of grants to 24 projects of special cinematographic value, fiction or animation (whether or not directed by a new filmmaker); the provisional proposal of grants to documentary projects (18 in total); and three experimental projects, as well as the substitutes and those rejected in the three categories of those submitted to this call for proposals.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

Some of the films of special cinematographic value accepted include: 800,000 euros received for Forastera, the feature debut –with the same name as one of her short films– by Lucía Aleñar Iglesias (produced by Lastor Media); El día que Ewan McGregor me presentó a sus padres, an animated film by Marta Puig; Salen las lobas, a social drama by Claudia Albina Estrada Tarascó produced by Alba Sotorra; Each of Us, by Neus Ballús (whose latest film released was The Odd-Job Men [+leggi anche:
intervista: Neus Ballús
scheda film
), Anne Zohra Berrached (24 Weeks [+leggi anche:
Q&A: Anne Zohra Berrached
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), Stina Werenfels (Dora or The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents [+leggi anche:
intervista: Stina Werenfels
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) y Anna Jadowska (Woman on the Roof [+leggi anche:
intervista: Anna Jadowska
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) (a European co-production from Alhena Production); and La deuda, by Daniel García-Pérez Guzmán; and receiving €783,735 Muy lejos (Zo Ver Weg), the debut film for Gerard Oms Crespo (Zabriskie AIE).

760,000 euros will go to Esmorza amb mi, by Iván Morales López (Distinto Films), and the animated 3D film Korri, Kuru, korri!, by Agurtzane Intxaurraga (Dibulitoon Studio); while Bajo risco, a historical drama written and directed by the duo Samuel Martín Delgado and Helena Girón (They Carry Death [+leggi anche:
intervista: Samuel M. Delgado e Helena…
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), will receive €750,000 (El Viaje Producciones).

Other titles that will receive less money than these, but from prestigious filmmakers, are: The Girls Are Alright [+leggi anche:
intervista: Itsaso Arana
scheda film
, by Itsaso Arana (film that has just been screened at the Karlovy Vary festival), €172,425 goes to Los Ilusos Films; Así llegó la noche, by Ángel Santos (The High Pressures [+leggi anche:
intervista: Ángel Santos
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) and Maruxiña Film Company, with €250,000; Alberto Gastesi (Stillness in the Storm [+leggi anche:
intervista: Alberto Gastesi
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) €628,000 for Singular, supported by White Leaf Producciones; Santiago Amodeo (The Gentiles [+leggi anche:
intervista: Santi Amodeo
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) and his project El cielo de los animales (Grupo Tranquilo PC), which will receive €448,751; and Eloy Domínguez Serén (Hamada [+leggi anche:
intervista: Eloy Domínguez Serén
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) with Tralovento (Zeitun Films) has been awarded €505,935.

In the documentary section, Syntony, produced (together with Araki Films), written and directed by Eva Vila Purti, is noted for receiving the highest amount of €351,500; followed by –with €314,828.76– Bailar la muerte, by Luis E. Parés (Lacima Producciones); and Mucha mierda, by Alba Sotorra (Quexito Films), with €175,750. Other experienced names have also been granted awards. For example, Sergio Oksman (On Football [+leggi anche:
intervista: Sergio Oksman
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) receives €104,500 for Una película de miedo (Ferdydurke Films) , and Miguel Eek (The First Woman [+leggi anche:
intervista: Miguel Eek
scheda film
) has received €98,908.30 for Amílcar (Mosaic Producciones Audiovisuales).

The complete list (in Spanish) can be seen here.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

(Tradotto dallo spagnolo)

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