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East Doc Platform cerca nuovi progetti di documentari


- La più grande piattaforma di coproduzione, finanziamento e distribuzione su misura per i documentari dell'Europa centrale e orientale si terrà dal 22 al 28 marzo 2024

East Doc Platform cerca nuovi progetti di documentari

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The 13th edition of East Doc Platform (EDP), the foremost co-production, funding and distribution platform exclusively dedicated to Central and Eastern European documentaries, is gearing up for its 2024 event, which will take place from 22-28 March in Prague. EDP is organised by the Institute of Documentary Film in partnership with the One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival.

The call for project submissions is now open, with a deadline set for 14 November. EDP is on the lookout for innovative feature-length documentary films with a strong narrative or character focus, factual series, and non-fiction transmedia projects (including interactive factual, VR/AR) at various stages of development, production or post-production. Additionally, EDP welcomes international projects with thematic ties to the Central and Eastern European region. Each year, the event connects European filmmakers with influential decision makers, including producers, broadcasters, distributors and festival programmers from around the globe.

EDP comprises four distinct sections. East Doc Forum offers a platform for pitching Central and Eastern European creative documentary projects, including factual series, at the development or production stage. Participants benefit from a comprehensive, five-day programme featuring pitching training, networking opportunities and one-on-one meetings with invited decision makers. East Doc Series is part of the East Doc Forum, and this component focuses on documentary series projects in development or production. It offers a three-day pitching training programme, consultation sessions and networking opportunities. East Doc Interactive is a three-day workshop designed for documentary projects incorporating VR and interactive elements either in development or in production. It provides project creators with consultations and valuable networking opportunities. Finally, East Doc Market facilitates pre-arranged one-on-one meetings between decision makers and the teams behind documentary projects in the production and post-production phases.

Interested filmmakers can access all of the necessary information and the application form on the EDP website.

(Tradotto dall'inglese)

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