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PRODUZIONE / FINANZIAMENTI Repubblica Ceca / Slovacchia

In Calm in the Canopy Michal Hogenauer scava nelle ansie e nelle ossessioni dei maschi occidentali


- Il regista ceco emergente presenterà in anteprima al Pingyao International Film Festival il suo secondo lungometraggio, un thriller psicologico

In Calm in the Canopy Michal Hogenauer scava nelle ansie e nelle ossessioni dei maschi occidentali
Pavel Gajdoš in Calm in the Canopy (© Sirius Films Manual)

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Emerging Czech director Michal Hogenauer, whose graduate film, Tambylles, was introduced in the Cannes Cinéfondation selection in 2012 and who debuted with the Hanekesque English-language social thriller A Certain Kind of Silence [+leggi anche:
intervista: Michal Hogenauer
scheda film
, will unveil his sophomore feature, Calm in the Canopy, as a world premiere at the Pingyao International Film Festival (11-18 October) in China. Reflecting some of the pressing issues of the contemporary world, especially Europe, the narrative delves into the pervasive feeling of obscure threats. The psychological character study captures the underlying anxieties and pathological fears lurking beneath Western culture, highlighting concerns about the disintegration of a luxurious life. The film offers a deep dive into the psyche of a middle-aged man, representative of a modern male generation grappling with identity crises amidst a changing societal landscape.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

In the film, a distinguished middle-aged gentleman, M (Pavel Gajdoš, from Colette), witnesses a minor incident at an airport involving a young man, possibly of Arab descent, and his servant. After a direct confrontation in the airport toilets, M becomes consumed by an escalating sense of unseen peril. This fear, initially nebulous, soon spirals into obsession, driving him to confront and potentially eradicate the perceived menace. The narrative seeks to craft a poignant portrayal of a man ensnared by his own fears, symbolising how individuals, when overwhelmed by societal uncertainties and perceived threats, can inadvertently become the very danger they once were scared of.

In a departure from A Certain Kind of Silence, which Hogenauer co-wrote, the script for Calm in the Canopy was penned by independent producer and filmmaker Václav Kadrnka (Saving One Who Was Dead [+leggi anche:
intervista: Václav Kadrnka
scheda film
), alongside screenwriter Marek Šindelka (Occupation [+leggi anche:
intervista: Michal Nohejl
scheda film
). Over time, Kadrnka felt increasingly detached from his initial vision, believing it was diverging from his evolving artistic direction. It was after viewing Hogenauer's debut, A Certain Kind of Silence, that Kadrnka became convinced that Hogenauer was the ideal director for this project. Hogenauer, upon reading the script, was deeply struck by its thematic richness and its adept handling of suspense. In addition to Pavel Gajdoš, the cast features Slovak actress Judit Bárdos (The Ballad of Piargy [+leggi anche:
scheda film
) and Michal Isteník (Somewhere Over the Chemtrails [+leggi anche:
intervista: Adam Koloman Rybanský
scheda film
). The cinematography was managed by Šimon Dvořáček (Art Talent Exam [+leggi anche:
intervista: Adéla Komrzý e Tomás Bojar
scheda film
), with Michal Reich (A Certain Kind of Silence) overseeing the editing. Barbora Námerová (Nightsiren [+leggi anche:
intervista: Tereza Nvotová
scheda film
) served as the story editor.

Calm in the Canopy is being produced by Czech independent outfit Sirius Films Manual, and co-produced by Slovak company Silverart Film and Czech Television. The Czech Film Fund and the Slovak Audiovisual Fund supported the project.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

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