INDUSTRIA / MERCATO Spagna / Portogallo / America Latina
La terza edizione di Iberseries & Platino Industria al via a Madrid
di Cineuropa
- Dal 3 al 6 ottobre la capitale spagnola si trasforma in un punto d'incontro per la produzione di lingua spagnola e portoghese, riunendo più di 2.000 professionisti provenienti da oltre 40 paesi

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On Tuesday 3 October, Matadero Madrid begins hosting the third edition of Iberseries & Platino Industria, an event launched by EGEDA and the Secuoya Foundation, in conjunction with FIPCA, and with the support of Madrid City Council and the Community of Madrid, ICEX (the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade) and the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport, with the sponsorship of Madrid Film Office and Film Madrid as well as the special collaboration of Spain Film Commission. The largest rendezvous for the Ibero-American audiovisual scene will continue unspooling until Friday 6 October.
The event will become an international meeting point for Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking players in the production business, bringing together more than 2,000 professionals hailing from over 40 countries. A plentiful contingent of representatives from the Ibero-American industry – including authors, filmmakers, screenwriters, showrunners, producers, distributors, buyers, sales agents, platforms, TV channels, managers and executives from over 650 companies, in addition to financial institutions, investment funds and bodies dedicated to tourism, education and new technologies with links to the audiovisual world – will come together in this space designed to foster meetings and co-production opportunities.
More than 125 activities will take place across the four programming areas at Iberseries & Platino Industria: Conferences and Keynotes, Iberscreenings (comprising the Chapter ONE, Coming Soon, Premier Cinema and Second Window sidebars), MAI (the Ibero-American Audiovisual Market) and PRO Activities (made up of the Co-production and Financing Forum, Pitch of Platforms and Production Companies, Training Workshops – Showrunners, Virtual Production and Legal Tools – and Film and Education).
There will be 25 exclusive screenings of new, premium series with production companies, channels and platforms, as well as premieres, new releases and preview screenings of films, in the presence of 160 buyers and commissioners from 20 countries. Furthermore, 178 projects will be presented in the Platform and Production Company Pitch Sessions, at the Co-production and Financing Forum, and in the Showrunners Workshop, selected from among the more than 1,200 works that were submitted.
The market area gets an overhaul for this edition, under the moniker of MAI (Ibero-American Audiovisual Market), a place to meet and network for professionals from the sector. It is also linked to the Iberscreenings section in order to boost the buying and selling of completed productions, the presentation of unreleased content and the premiere of audiovisual works made and distributed in Spanish and Portuguese but intended for global audiences.
Likewise, it has been announced that Iberseries & Platino Industria and the Berlinale Series Market have signed a collaboration agreement, through which networking activities involving both events have been instigated. Indeed, Iberseries & Platino Industria seeks to facilitate meetings between professionals working in the Ibero-American film and audiovisual sector, in order to forge investment links for projects in Spanish and Portuguese, promote the link between exhibition and talent, boost the export of audiovisual products to effectively promote the sector and strengthen international co-production as a driving force for the content of the future.
Click here for more information.
(Tradotto dallo spagnolo)
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