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Al via le riprese di This Is a Robbery!


- Il primo lungometraggio di Gregor Andolšek è una storia che mischia i generi, su un uomo disperato che cerca di sfidare il sistema

Al via le riprese di This Is a Robbery!
Stane Tomazin e Tijana Zinajić sul set di This Is a Robbery! (© Domen Martinčič)

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On Wednesday 18 October, Gregor Andolšek started shooting his debut feature, This Is a Robbery!, on location in the Vršič Pass in the Julian Alps. According to the schedule, the shoot should last 33 days, and take in various locations in Ljubljana and several towns and villages in the northern and western parts of Slovenia, such as Ajdovščina, Vipava, Kranj, Jezersko and Bohinj.

The protagonist of the movie is Rajko (Stane Tomazin, glimpsed recently in Dominik Mencej’s Riders [+leggi anche:
intervista: Dominik Mencej
scheda film
), a professional magician who breaks his arm while performing at a shopping mall. He tries to collect insurance benefits, but the company refuses to pay out owing to a bureaucratic error. The only sympathetic employee in the company is Rajko’s friend Marcel (Gregor Čušin, seen in Matevž Luzar’s Orchestra [+leggi anche:
scheda film
), who tries to arrange for him to have a meeting with the company director (Uroš Smole). When the meeting turns sour, Marcel impulsively takes the director hostage, so all three get on the road, where an urban nomad (played by the director of Bitch, a Derogatory Term for a Woman [+leggi anche:
scheda film
and Andolšek’s previous collaborator, Tijana Zinajić) joins them while the police are on their tail.

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So far, Andolšek has been best known for his shorts as well as a collaboration on the featurette Toilet Stories. On the first day of shooting for his debut feature, he said: “It is a film about the fight of a desperate man against the merciless system in which he stands little chance. Although it is socially critical, it is not envisioned as a social drama, but rather as a mixture of genres that I like: a comedy, a crime story, a road and a chase movie, focused more on laughter and adventure, as well as on the sense that the best moments of our lives can also come from the desperate, absurd fight for survival.”

Andolšek co-wrote the script with Miha Zbašnik and Marko Bratuš. This Is a Robbery! is being lensed by Miloš Srdić and will be edited by Anže Verdel, while Blaž Gracer is on board as an original music composer. Neža Zinajić handles the production design, Urška Recer the costumes and Lija Ivančič the make-up.

The producers are Andraž and Jerca Jerič for their company Temporama. RTV Slovenia serves as the co-production company, along with Studio Viba Film, which is also providing technical support. The film has received the financial support of the Slovenian Film Centre.

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(Tradotto dall'inglese)

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