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Sbarca a Rodi il workshop cinematografico MFI Script 2


- 55 registi provenienti da tutto il mondo partecipano al secondo atelier residenziale situato nella città storica dell'isola

Sbarca a Rodi il workshop cinematografico MFI Script 2
Un'edizione precedente dei workshop MFI Script 2

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Following on from the first session of the Mediterranean Film Institute Script 2 Film Workshops earlier this year, held on the volcanic island of Nisyros from 23 June-7 July (see the news), the script and project development programme is currently hosting its second residential session. This time, the workshop has found a home in the captivating medieval city of Rhodes, where it is currently running from 21-29 October.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

A cohort of 55 filmmakers, representing diverse talent from Europe, the Mediterranean region, and even across the globe, are under the expert guidance of top trainers and renowned industry experts as they embark on the journey of nurturing 25 film, three series and six documentary projects (see the news). The programme not only fosters the development of these projects, but also provides an invaluable opportunity for participants to gain hands-on experience in group guidance. Worth noting is that the second module of the training programme was conducted online over the past few months, equipping participants with fundamental strategies essential for the successful development of their projects.

The third phase of the programme places its primary emphasis on the critical final-revision stage, where participants are tasked with submitting a fully revised script draft for the collective evaluation of all trainers and fellow group members. This phase is structured as a workshop aimed at facilitating an in-depth analysis and critique of these drafts. Within this session, script-development instructors collaborate closely with participants, working towards the ultimate goal of achieving a shooting-ready draft. This phase maintains a blend of group collaborative efforts and individualised sessions, introducing the opportunity for participants to engage in one-on-one interactions and gain valuable feedback. It's worth noting that the provision of feedback isn't limited to the programme's instructors and experts, but also extends to the participation of invited industry professionals who offer their insights and guidance.

A series of master classes, lectures and screenings are currently in the works, all taking place at St George's Bastion and open to the public. One of the main events is the discussion “Shaping the Narrative in a Real-life Story”, in which the creative team from the MFI Doc Lab, producer Ove Rishøj Jensen (Nelly & Nadine [+leggi anche:
intervista: Magnus Gertten
scheda film
) and filmmaker Marco Gastine (As Far as the Sea), are participating. Additionally, over the course of two days, a series of screenings featuring the award-winning short films created by participants in the 2023 MFI Script 2 Film Workshops will enhance networking opportunities and foster collaboration.

On Saturday 28 October, all participants will have the opportunity to pitch their projects, shedding light on their creative works in progress and promoting networking. During this session, attendees will also engage in group meetings with Nicolò Gallio, a recognised expert in film marketing and audience development.

The whole programme is taking place in the medieval city of Rhodes, a historical UNESCO World Heritage Site. The MFI’s Script 2 Film Workshops are supported by the Creative Europe – MEDIA programme, the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT SA), the Secretariat General for the Aegean and Island Policy, and the municipalities of Nisyros and Rhodes.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

(Tradotto dall'inglese)

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