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LIM 2024

Less Is More cerca la nuova generazione di Development Angels


- Il programma di formazione è rivolto a professionisti del settore intenzionati ad affinare le proprie competenze nello sviluppo di progetti; le candidature sono ammesse fino al 25 febbraio

Less Is More cerca la nuova generazione di Development Angels
Un'edizione passata del programma di formazione Development Angels (© Brigitte Bouillot/LIM)

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In a landscape where the film industry craves originality and fresh perspectives, LIM (Less Is More) presents a training programme tailored for industry professionals eager to refine their skills in project development. From creative producers to story editors, development executives and commissioning editors, LIM seeks to redefine conventional script-development practices by fostering collaboration and embracing diverse viewpoints.

The call for entries for the LIM 2024 training programme for Development Angels is now open, with submissions accepted until 25 February. Welcoming applicants from the European Union, Eurimages countries, non-EU countries participating in the Creative Europe programme, and the UK, LIM strives to curate a diverse pool of talents and experiences. More information on how to apply can be found on LIM’s website.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

The term "Development Angels" has been deliberately chosen to underscore LIM's holistic approach to storytelling. LIM believes that successful development should involve a collective effort, engaging script professionals, producers, sales agents, film-fund managers and all stakeholders in the filmmaking process. By fostering a common language and toolkit, LIM empowers participants to collaborate effectively in crafting compelling narratives.

Central to LIM's ethos is the recognition of collective wisdom and the exploration of diverse storytelling techniques. Drawing insights from cognitive sciences, anthropology and oral storytelling traditions, LIM introduces participants to innovative tools aimed at unlocking the creative potential of every project.

The LIM 2024 training programme for Development Angels offers a blend of online and on-site components. The online segment, scheduled for August/September, serves as an introduction to LIM's approach and tools, providing practical insights applicable to participants' daily work. The on-site workshop, taking place from 28 September-3 October, offers a hands-on experience at the Le Groupe Ouest camp, culminating in participation in LIM MEET – an international event bringing together filmmakers and industry guests.

Eligibility for the LIM 2024 training programme is intentionally broad, as it aims to assemble a diverse group of professionals from various backgrounds, positions, experiences and countries. The programme seeks individuals keen to expand their toolkit and understanding of the creative process, fostering a collaborative environment where each participant's energy, perspective and expertise will contribute to collective development.

LIM emphasises a collaborative approach to development. By nurturing a culture of openness and mutual respect, it aims to evolve common tools and a shared language among industry stakeholders. This approach prioritises feedback rooted in emotions, respecting the unique development process of each auteur.

The LIM 2024 training programme introduces participants to innovative tools and approaches designed to enhance project and script development. One such approach is the exploration of the "pre-writing" phase, where participants collaborate with writers to delve deeper into ideas before any formal writing begins. Tools such as oral storytelling and projection on boards, including mind-mapping and rhizome techniques, stimulate creativity and autonomy within the development process.

LIM MEET serves as a crucial component of the workshop experience, providing participants with an opportunity to connect with industry professionals and showcase their projects. Going beyond a traditional co-production market, LIM MEET gathers select industry guests to offer insights, questions and feedback on shared stories. For Development Angels, LIM MEET offers a chance to apply newly acquired tools and perspectives, strengthening both story and meaning through collaborative engagement. This human connection often paves the way for future collaborations, enriching the creative landscape of the film industry.

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