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AMA Formación offre 125 posti per corsi gratuiti di produzione audiovisiva


- Le persone in cerca di lavoro e le persone iscritte alle misure di miglioramento dell'occupazione di Madrid possono fare domanda per questo programma creato dall'Asociación Madrileña Audiovisual

AMA Formación offre 125 posti per corsi gratuiti di produzione audiovisiva

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Registrations to take part in the AMA Formación training programme are open until 31 March. The course was created by the AMA (Madrilenian Audiovisual Association) and boasts funding from the Employment Agency of Madrid City Council. It has arisen as a result of the demand for, and lack of, professional profiles qualified to cover job positions in the production departments during shoots that take place in the city of Madrid – where 70% of Spanish series and 40% of Spanish films are produced. This programme was presented a few days ago by Miguel Ángel Redondo Rodríguez, a representative of the Government Department of Economy, Innovation and Employment at Madrid City Council; Mario Madueño, the head of AMA; and José Ángel Lázaro, the coordinator of AMA Formación.

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“In the last few years, the audiovisual sector has enjoyed considerable growth, which positions it as one of the most prominent industries on a European level, with a huge demand for employment, having generated 39,000 jobs, either directly or indirectly,” asserted Ángel Redondo. “In recent years, there has been a significant increase in investment in Madrid-based audiovisual production companies, in part thanks to the diversity of locations and the quality of the infrastructure, and so the prospects for the future look very bright.”

“The idea for this training programme came about more than a year ago, after a survey was sent out to our members. It led us to discover that there was a need to train work groups and to fill production positions during shoots,” stated Madueño. “Thanks to the work done in the different institutional fields, the number of shoots has skyrocketed in Madrid. The city has become a key platform for content creation for a potential market of 600 million Spanish-speaking consumers. At present, the audiovisual sector is growing, and this trend is unstoppable – that is why we so urgently need specialised professionals who can fill these job vacancies.”

“AMA Formación stems from an analysis of the reality of the labour situation and has come about to meet the current needs of the audiovisual market,” confirmed José Ángel Lázaro. “These profiles have been incorporated from the get-go in an integral and interlinked project aimed at employability. All of the chosen subjects have the ultimate aim of enabling their members to work in the different audiovisual domains.”

And so, AMA Formación is offering 125 places for five intensive courses, free of charge. These courses are geared towards audiovisual production, and are intended for jobseekers as well as those signed up for professional development, who are registered as living in Madrid. They will take place from April to July this year, over 15 weeks, taking in a total of 225 hours: half of the training will be in-person and the other half online, and no prior experience in the audiovisual sector is necessary for those who wish to take part. Once the training has been completed, the students will be qualified to start working in the professional audiovisual sector and will also benefit from being in contact with the 60 production companies that make up the Madrilenian Audiovisual Association.

AMA Formación’s goal is to quickly and efficiently prepare new crew members in the areas and positions that are currently sought after, so as to be able to meet this demand as soon as possible. As well as unemployed people, this course also serves to retrain professionals from other sectors who may have previous knowledge gained in the audiovisual sector. The course will be led by active professionals with lengthy and recognised experience in the field.

Further information and an application form can be found here.

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