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Europa Distribution terrà la sessione di chiusura di EDMentorShe


- La rete di distributori riunirà tutte le coppie partecipanti di donne che lavorano nella distribuzione per condividere e scambiare le loro esperienze come mentori e allieve

Europa Distribution terrà la sessione di chiusura di EDMentorShe

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

On Friday 12 April, Europa Distribution will hold the closing session for the fourth edition of the EDMentorShe mentorship programme in Brussels. The closing session will bring together 20 women working in distribution and allow all of the participating pairs to finally meet in person to share and exchange on their experiences, ideas and feedback as mentors and mentees.

The pairs for this fourth edition were first introduced during Summer 2023 and have continued to meet online (or in person at festivals if possible) over the past 9 months, discussing a wide range of topics and competencies, which vary depending on the needs of the mentees and the structure established by the pair. This workshop presents a wonderful opportunity for all of the women involved in the programme to share and learn from one another and expand their professional network. This year’s programme brings together women from countries as diverse as Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Hungary, Israel, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Spain and Sweden.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

The programme first began in 2020 with the aim of addressing a better female representation in management and leadership positions in the world of independent film distribution – a sector already very much balanced otherwise. The idea consists of pairing a more junior woman in distribution with an experienced mentor to share experiences, career advice, challenges, and professional goals. Read a wrap-up piece on the 2023 edition here.
In the coming months, Europa Distribution will continue its discussions on the unique challenges faced in the circulation, release and promotion of independent European films. Europa Distribution will a panel and lab focusing on Asian releases in the scope of Focus Asia, Udine from 29 April – 1 May, an online Green Lab on sustainable distribution strategies on 4 June and their Film Distribution Innovation Hub in the scope of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival from 2-5 July. And of course, the next edition of the mentorship programme will be launched this summer so stay tuned!

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

(Tradotto dall'inglese)

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