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PRODUZIONE / FINANZIAMENTI Belgio / Francia / Svizzera

Vimala Pons e Yoann Zimmer protagonisti di Sauvons les meubles


- La regista Catherine Cosme ha iniziato le riprese del suo primo lungometraggio di finzione, prodotto da Hélicotronc in coproduzione con Tripode Productions e Alva Films

Vimala Pons e Yoann Zimmer protagonisti di Sauvons les meubles
L'attrice Vimala Pons (© Charlotte Bovy) e l'attore Yoann Zimmer

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The shoot of Sauvons les meubles, Catherine Cosme’s first feature, started this past 21 May. The filmmaker was noticed for her first two short films. Les Amoureuses (2015) told the surprising story of three women of different ages –a mother, her teenage daughter, and her little girl– who, during one summer, all fall in love with the same man. Famille (2018) followed the questioning of a single mother who welcomes a Somalian family in her home as they await regularisation. But Catherine Cosme is also renowned for her work as artistic director, for instance with Belgian filmmaker Stephan Streker (notably on his films A Wedding [+leggi anche:
intervista: Stephan Streker
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and The Enemy [+leggi anche:
intervista: Stephan Streker
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), as well as for her set design (on Lola [+leggi anche:
intervista: Laurent Micheli
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by Laurent Micheli, for which she won a Cinema Magritte award in 2020, and on Love According to Dalva [+leggi anche:
intervista: Emmanuelle Nicot
intervista: Emmanuelle Nicot, Julie Es…
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by Emmanuelle Nicot, as well as on the latest film by Stéphane Demoustier, Borgo [+leggi anche:
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), and her costume work (on Our Men [+leggi anche:
intervista: Rachel Lang
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by Rachel Lang or Scouting for Zebras [+leggi anche:
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by Benoit Mariage).

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

With Sauvons les meubles, she returns to the themes already present in her short films, namely the family and siblings. The film centres on Lucile and Paul, in their forties, who are called back home to their parents because their mother is dying. They were not aware of her illness, but also discover another secret: their mother has usurped Lucile’s identity and fallen deeply into debt. In this emergency, before their mother passes away, Lucile and Paul will have to find their way to forgiveness and save a lot more than just the furniture.

Playing Lucile and Paul respectively are French actress Vimala Pons (seen recently in Vincent Must Die [+leggi anche:
intervista: Stéphan Castang
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as well as The (in)famous Youssef Salem) and Belgian actor Yoann Zimmer (recently nominated at the Magritte award for his turn in Return to Seoul [+leggi anche:
intervista: Davy Chou
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). Also starring alongside them are another Belgian comedian, Jean-Luc Piraux, playing the father, as well as French actress Guilaine Londez.

The film, which shoots until 19 June, is produced by Julie Esparbes for Hélicotronc, who recently made Love According to Dalva and co-produced Ghost Trail [+leggi anche:
intervista: Jonathan Millet
intervista: Pauline Seigland
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, which opened Critics’ Week this year in Cannes. Sauvons les meubles is co-produced in France by Tripode Productions, who thus continues its fruitful collaboration with the Belgian outfit after already co-producing Dalva, but also The (Ex)perience of Love [+leggi anche:
intervista: Ann Sirot e Raphael Balboni
scheda film
. The film is also co-produced in Switzerland by Alva Films. It has received support from the Fédération Wallonie -Bruxelles (light productions fund), Be TV, the RTBF, Proximus, the Tax Shelter via Shelter Prod, the Loterie nationale, the Région Occitanie and the Office Fédéral de la Culture suisse.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

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