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FESTIVAL / PREMI Europa / America Latina

Annunciati i tre finalisti del primo Premio della critica latinoamericana per i film europei


- L'EFP ha rivelato che sono in lizza Animal di Sofia Exarchou, La sala professori di İlker Çatak e Bad Living di João Canijo

Annunciati i tre finalisti del primo Premio della critica latinoamericana per i film europei
sx-dx: Animal di Sofia Exarchou, La sala professori di İlker Çatak e Bad Living di João Canijo

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

European Film Promotion (EFP), in collaboration with the Guadalajara Film Festival, has announced the three finalists for the inaugural Latin American Critics’ Award for European Films.

The three shortlisted movies were meticulously selected by 33 esteemed film critics from 13 Latin American countries, narrowing them down from a diverse pool of 23 European films submitted by 23 different countries. The finalists are Animal [+leggi anche:
intervista: Sofia Exarchou
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by Sofia Exarchou (from Greece), The Teachers’ Lounge [+leggi anche:
intervista: İlker Çatak
intervista: Leonie Benesch
scheda film
by İlker Çatak (from Germany) and Bad Living [+leggi anche:
intervista: João Canijo
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by João Canijo (from Portugal). The winner will be revealed at the Guadalajara Film Festival on 9 June 2024.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

Animal is a compelling allegory of labour and work. Set in an all-inclusive Greek hotel, it delves into the monotonous and demanding life of animators who must perform with unwavering energy and enthusiasm daily. The film premiered at the 2023 Locarno Film Festival, where it earned itself the Silver Leopard for Best Performance by Dimitra Vlagopoulou. It has also garnered numerous accolades, including the Golden Alexander for Best Film and Best Actress at the Thessaloniki Film Festival, and the Vanguard Award at the Vancouver International Film Festival. Animal is a co-production involving Austria, Romania, Cyprus and Bulgaria.

The Teachers’ Lounge portrays idealistic young teacher Carla Nowack, played by Leonie Benesch (European Shooting Star 2023), as she negotiates the complex realities of her profession. The film addresses societal issues such as prejudice, racism, disinformation and surveillance, thus extending its narrative beyond the classroom. It premiered in the Berlinale Panorama in 2023 and has since won several prestigious awards, including five German Film Awards and the Europa Cinemas Label for Best European Film at the Berlinale. Furthermore, it won this year’s LUX Audience Award (see the news). Produced by if… productions in co-production with ZDF and ARTE, The Teachers’ Lounge was Germany's entry for the Academy Awards in the Best International Feature Film category.

Bad Living explores the intricate dynamics of a dysfunctional family living in a family-run hotel on Portugal’s northern shore. The film centres on women from different generations of the same family, whose relationships are marred by bitterness and unresolved traumas. The unexpected arrival of a granddaughter disrupts their fragile existence, reigniting latent conflicts. Canijo collaborated closely with actresses Anabela Moreira, Rita Blanco and Madalena Almeidaam over two years to achieve authentic performances. Bad Living premiered at the Berlinale, winning the Silver Bear Jury Prize, and has received numerous awards, including Best Portuguese Feature Film at IndieLisboa and the Audience Award at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria International Film Festival.

The Latin American Critics’ Award for European Films represents a significant effort by EFP to engage the Central and South American audience with European cinema. By promoting these films, EFP aims to increase the circulation and appreciation of European “festival hits” across Latin America. The initiative is supported by national film promotion institutes, with LatAm cinema and Cineuropa serving as media partners. The award's debut marks a promising step towards enriching the cultural dialogue between Europe and Latin America through the art of cinema.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

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