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Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia

aggiornamento 31/03/2011

Presentation & Philosophy

Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia is the most important Italian educational research and experimental institution in the field of cinematography in its widest sense: film, documentary, TV drama and animation. Its aims include the development of audiovisual and cinematographic art and technique to the highest levels, through the two distinct sections of the Foundation itself:

  • Scuola Nazionale di Cinema (National Film School)
  • Cineteca Nazionale (National Film Archive)

Scuola Nazionale di Cinema, which has its headquarters in Rome and specialised branches in Piedmont, Lombardy and Sicily, aims to develop cinematic art and technique to the highest levels through research, experimentation, production and teaching activity. It constitutes a cultural breeding ground where all the categories of cinema disciplines come together: producers, directors, scriptwriters, set designers, actors, editors, musicians, sound technicians, experts in digital cinema, teachers and scholars from all over the world.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

Number of students: 259 (total in all branches)

Number of international students: 8 (total in all branches)

Number of teachers: 235 (total in all branches)

Degree category / length of studies:
3-year courses in:

  • Rome headquarters: directing, acting, scriptwriting, set and costume design, cinematography, sound technician work, producing and editing
  • Piedmont department: animation
  • Sicily department: artistic documentary and docu-fiction
  • Lombardy department: TV drama creation and production, industrial cinema such as documentary and advertising

Programme objective and content:

  • Rome headquarters: The Scuola Nazionale di Cinema offers all those who pass its annual entrance examination a three-year teaching programme, divided into interdisciplinary areas, and aimed at specialisation in one of the following fields: directing, scriptwriting, acting, cinematography, editing, sound technician work, production, set and costume design.
    Students also do a lot of practical exercises – initially with video, later with 35mm film – aiming to create short films and at the end of the course, their final works for their diploma exam. Students from all courses take part in these productions, according to his or her professional role. The variety of styles, themes and techniques of the videos produced by the school testifies to the wealth of educational opportunities on offer and the talent of its students, recognised and presented with awards both in Italy and abroad.
  • Piedmont department (Course in Animation Film): The objective of the three-year course is to train artists and professionals with a comprehensive knowledge of all stages of animation filmmaking, from creation and design to production, and with skills to work specifically in 2d and 3d character animation, storyboarding, character and background design, art direction, compositing and animation direction. The course is constantly evolving, at European level, in line with developments in the production sectors and training methods.
    Learning is based on hands-on activities and the development of both individual and team projects. Special attention is given to storytelling, teamwork, and to developing innovative styles and concepts. Courses are taught by animation and film industry professionals and artists from Italy and abroad.
  • Lombardy department (Course in Television drama creation and production): The Centre's work is divided into different aspects: research, training, production and communication.
    Training is the main aim of the Lombardy School, which offers very high educational standards, combining technology, business and culture to train young professionals in the fields of Television Drama and Industrial Cinema (filmmaking for documentary and commercials).
    The research activity is focused on the communication potential offered by new digital technology applied to the moving image. The communication activity aims to disseminate high-quality films and documentaries, whether Italian or international, throughout the social network.
  • Sicily department (Course in Historical and Artistic Documentary and Docu-Drama): The courses began in 2009, with the intention of selecting and training filmmakers and producers. Their training will equip them to work for public and private companies, administrative bodies and foundations, either as consultants or as employees.
    The interdisciplinary course offers participants a high level of professional training, bringing together technical/scientific aspects with artistic and humanistic content and combining the three elements of culture, business and technology.
    The teaching programme includes the study of basic theory, seminars, practice exercises, the execution of audiovisual projects involving real or simulated client situations, and useful work experience programmes with production and post-production companies.

Entry requirements:

  • Rome headquarters: Admission by a competitive entry test and selection process is based on: presentation of a portfolio of work, interviews, practical tests, and a preparatory seminar.
    A Secondary School certificate is compulsory, as are talent, a good grounding in artistic and technical skills.
  • Piedmont department: Admission is by portfolio pre-selection, interview and entrance test and a preparatory seminar. Requirements are talent, a good grounding in artistic and technical skills and a flair for storytelling through images.
  • Lombardy and Sicily departments: Admission by a competitive entry test. Selection process is based on: presentation of a video show-reel, interviews, practical tests and a preliminary workshop.

Rome headquarters:
Via Tuscolana, 1524 – 00173 Rome - Italy
Tel. +39 06 722941 - fax +39 06 94810162
Tel. 06.72294.292 - 288

Piedmont department:
Lombardy departments:
Sicily departments:

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

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