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Takflix launches "Mariupol, I Love You" collection


- Four short films made by Mariupol locals are available worldwide on the Ukrainian VOD platform, with 50% of proceeds going to Mariupol City Council and its humanitarian missions

Takflix launches "Mariupol, I Love You" collection
Diorama by Zoya Laktionova

The Ukrainian VOD platform has released a collection of four short films under the title "Mariupol, I Love You," about the city that is currently under siege by the Russian army for more than two weeks, leaving 300,000 civilians without electricity, food or water.  

The films describe life in the city before the invasion and were made by Mariupol locals in 2017-2021. They are stories of everyday life, dreams and relationships and how they were influenced by what is now considered the first phase of the war in 2014.

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In Me and Mariupol, Donetsk-born director Piotr Armianovski talks to people in search of the Mariupol he remembers from his childhood. Ma by Maria Stoianova is a conversation between a mother and daughter created from amateur phone footage in the face of war. Territory of Empty Windows and Diorama by Mariupol-born Zoya Laktionova explore how the war has changed the face of the city.

The films are available worldwide with English subtitles on and 50% of the sales will go to the Mariupol City Council and its humanitarian missions. 

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