Minds Meet [BE] Production Companies Havenlaan 108-110 Avenue du Port 1000 Brusselstel: +32 (0)2 266 66 66e-mailOfficial site (The article continues below - Commercial information) FILMS 2023The Magnet ManThe WallWil2021The Ghastly BrothersHolgut2019Ghost TropicHellholeMarona's Fantastic TaleThe Promise of Pisa2017Blue SilenceCharlie and Hannah's Grand Night OutI Know You Are ThereIn Syria2016A WeddingThe Day My Father Became a Bush2015I'm Dead But I Have Friends2014Above Us AllBetween 10 and 12LuciferViolet2013A Farewell to FoolsI'm the Same, I'm an OtherThe World Belongs to Us2012Tango LibreWelcome Home2011Blue Bird2010Little Baby Jesus of Flandr2009The Tango SingerThe Day God Walked Away