SRF - Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen [CH] Production Companies (SRG SSR) Fernsehstrasse 1-4 8052 Zürichtel: +41 44 305 66 11e-mailOfficial site (The article continues below - Commercial information) FILMS 2025Iceman2024A Sisters' TaleBestiaries, Herbaria, LapidariesCharlotte, One of UsImmortalsJourney of ShadowsThe Landscape and the FuryMilk TeethMy Swiss ArmyQuirLa scomparsa di Bruno BréguetThe Song of Others – A Search for EuropeThe TraitorWe, the InheritorsWhen We Were Sisters20238 Days in AugustAmine – Held auf BewährungBlackbird Blackbird BlackberryBon Schuur TicinoDavos 1917The Driven OnesThe GiacomettisThe HearingThe Neighbours from UpstairsNights Gone ByOnce We Were PitmenPeripheric LoveSisi & IThe SwarmTheory of ChangeThis Kind Of HopeLas toreras202299 MoonsA Piece of SkyL’art du silenceBecoming GiuliaErica Jong – Breaking the WallGolden YearsLoving HighsmithMy Old ManRotzlochUnrest2021Adolf Muschg - The OtherAnd Tomorrow We Will Be DeadThe BubbleBurning MemoriesDidaThe Girl and the SpiderLove Will Come LaterNeighboursNeumattOf Fish and MenOur ChildParallel LivesPushing BoundariesSoul of a BeastTaming the GardenTidesTschuggerWet Sand2020Al-Shafaq - When Heaven DividesAradaCaged BirdsNeedle Park BabyThe New GospelNOT ME - A Journey with Not VitalOne-Way to MoscowOpen SeasonThe Saint of the ImpossibleSami, Joe and ISpagatWar and PeaceWhat Remains of the LieWho's Afraid of Alice Miller?Zurich Diary2019African MirrorAuch Leben ist eine Kunst - Der Fall Max EmdenBaghdad in my ShadowGolden AgeLy-Ling & Mr UrgesiParadise War: The Story of Bruno ManserPassion - Between Revolt and ResignationShalom AllahTscharniblues IIVolunteerZwingli20181999 - Wish You Were HereArchitecture of InfinityBecoming AnimalChris the SwissCloud WhispersEisenberger – Art Must Be Beautiful, as the Frog Says to the FlyEldoradoThe Fourth EstateGenesis 2.0The Journey – A Story of LoveMarioMidnight RunnerMy Brother, My LoveOut of ParadisePure CharcoalSubito – Instant PhotographyThe Awakening of Motti WolkenbruchTo the End of DreamsWaldenYou May Go2017Blue My MindThe Congo TribunalThe Divine OrderDouble SentenceGoliathI Am Gentrification. Confessions of a ScoundrelRue de BlamageWeg vom Fenster - Leben nach dem BurnoutWelcome to SwitzerlandYenish Sounds2016Almost ThereAloysFamily FragmentsThe Girl Down Loch ÄnziKing Of The Airs - Notes On A FriendshipLate ShiftMarijaRaving IranSpira Mirabilis2015Above And BelowAndermatt - Global VillageA Decent ManDora or The Sexual Neuroses of Our ParentsDürrenmatt: Eine LiebesgeschichteGrozny BluesHeidiMy Life As A Film - How My Father Tried To Capture HappinessPepe Mujica - Lessons from the FlowerbedPolderThomas Hirschhorn-Gramsci MonumentUsfahrt OerlikeWhat's Between UsYes No Maybe20142 francos, 40 pesetas: Back to SwitzerlandThe CircleCure - The Life of AnotherDark Star: HR Giger's WorldHomo Faber (trois femmes)Iraqi OdysseyLiebe und zufallRecycling LilySchweizer HeldenSleepless in New YorkThey Chased Me Through ArizonaThule TuvaluUnknown TerritoryWarYalom’s Cure2013Das alte HausDead Fucking LastEnemies In LoveFather's Garden - The Love of My ParentsThe Little GhostLovely LouiseMary Queen of ScotsOn The EdgeRosieSitting Next to Zoe2012Bloody DaughterThe End of TimeHarry Dean Stanton: Partly FictionImage ProblemLullaby RideMore Than HoneySomeone Like MeSummer OutsideThe Swiss Miss Massacre2011Day Is DoneDer SandmannStationspiraten2010180° – Wenn deine Welt plötzlich Kopf stehtCharly's ComebackDie Käserei in GoldingenFliegende FischeDer letzte WeynfeldtLiebling, lass uns scheiden!Little ParadiseDie NagelprobeSennentuntschiSilver Forest2009AmokThe Camera MurdererCargoChampionsDaniel Schmid - Le chat qui penseFlug in die NachtDas FräuleinwunderHunkeler und der Fall LiviusMein KampfNight RushPeppermintaRäuberinnen – Ein SchauermärchenSpace TouristsTag am MeerWill You Marry Us?The Woman with the 5 Elephants2008Eine bärenstarke LiebeHappy New YearHeldin der LüfteLetter To Anna – The Story Of Journalist Politkovskaya's DeathLife for SaleShadow of the Holy BookTandoori LoveThe Sound Of Insects – Record Of A MummyA Thousand OceansWhere The Grass Is Greener2007Echoes of HomeHandymanHello GoodbyeMarmoreraRajas Reise2006Alles bleibt andersEdenFräuleinJeune HommeLate BloomersLenzLove Made EasyVitus2004All because of HulkAnjas EngelDAS PAAR IM KAHNTHE DOCTOR'S DEATHFalling StonesFOREIGNERS IN PARADISEGap In The LawGrounding - The Last Days of SwissairHOLIDAY FEVERLago mioLIVING ON CREDITLou's LaundretteMy name is EugenNorth WindOeschenenRicordare AnnaStagesSternenbergULTIMA THULE2003HEADS AND TAILSLittle Girl BlueReady, steady, Charlie!2002BIG DEALBirdseyeBlackberryKiki & TigerKOMA2001At Night in the ParkDEAD BY MONDAYESCAPE TO PARADISEFRIENDS IN HIGH PLACESHAPPINESS IS A WARM GUNNorman Plays GolfStille Liebe2000JOY RIDE