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INDUSTRIA República Checa

East Doc Platform 2016 presenta su programa y sus tutores


- En inglés: El encuentro profesional de documentalistas de Europa Central y del Este tendrá lugar en Praga, del 7 al 13 de marzo

East Doc Platform 2016 presenta su programa y sus tutores
A picture of the pitching sessions during the EDP 2015

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The 5th edition of East Doc Platform (EDP), a key industry meeting of CEE documentary filmmakers with more than 80 acclaimed professionals and decision makers from all over the world, organised by the Institute of Documentary Film in association with the One World IHRDFF, takes place in Prague, Czech Republic, 7 to 13 March, 2016.

Among the confirmed VIP guests of EDP there are Andrew Beecroft (Sheffield Doc/Fest), Arnaud Colinart (Agatfilms), Niklas K. Engstrøm (CPH:DOX), Dorota Lech (Toronto IFF), Erkko Lyytinen (YLE), Luke Moody (Britdoc), Nikki Heyman (POV), Rebecca De Pass (FID Marseille), Yorinde Segal (IDFA), Grit Lemke (DOK Leipzig) or Iikka Vehkalahti (RoughCut Service). The complete list of EDP guests is on

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Apart from providing assistance to projects (read more) participating in the core activities (workshop, market, pitching, awards ceremony - read more), the EDP tutors invite all interested public and media to a diverse Open programme consisting of lectures, masterclasses, conferences, presentations and panels.

Some of the programmes highlights will be the lecture by Mike Lerner (Oscar-nominated producer of The Russian Woodpecker [+lee también:
ficha de la película
), Erik Gandini (director of Swedish Theory of Love), or the case study on Ukrainian Sheriffs presented by Roman Bondarchuk, Dar’ya Averchenko and Uldis Cekulis.  

The Doc Tank programme, focused on transmedia and innovative approaches to documentaries with a campaign potential will also welcome renowned experts on new media, crowdfunding and alternative distribution. To name just a few, Wolfgang GumpelmaierWendy BernfeldFréderic DuboisAlexandre Brachet and Vincent Lucassen, will share their experiences via lectures and a campaigning duel that will feature Sarah Mosses and Fredrik Gertten.

For those who cannot join EDP in Prague personally, the event will be covered under the #EDP16 hashtag on Twitter and Instagram.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

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