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Cannes 2021 – Marché du Film

Country Focus: Portugal

Portugal and Luxembourg join forces to launch the Luso-Luxembourg Fund


- CANNES 2021: The brand-new co-production fund opened its call for projects yesterday; the deadline for applications is 15 October

Portugal and Luxembourg join forces to launch the Luso-Luxembourg Fund
(l-r) Luís Chaby Vaz, Guy Daleiden and Maria Mineiro signing the agreement in Cannes

On 11 July, Portugal’s Instituto do Cinema e Audiovisual (ICA) and the Film Fund Luxembourg (FFL) signed an agreement in Cannes, during this year’s Marché du Film (6-15 July). In detail, the deal establishes the creation of a fund for the development of audiovisual co-productions between Portugal and Luxembourg. The new effort, called the Luso-Luxembourg Fund, will back features (both fiction and animated films) as well as TV series.

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The objective of the fund is to support collaborations between producers established in Luxembourg and in Portugal, and to back projects that possess the “potential to engage the audiences of both countries and beyond”. Moreover, the submitted projects must be “culturally, socially and/or economically relevant for the relations between the two countries”. The agreement was signed by FFL director Guy Daleiden, and ICA president Luís Chaby Vaz and vice-president Maria Mineiro in the Luxembourg Pavilion of the Marché.

For this inaugural year, the total financial allocation of the fund is €200,000. In terms of the split, €100,000 will be provided by the FFL and €100,000 by the ICA, with a maximum backing of €50,000 per eligible project. A selection committee comprising four members will assess the applications: two of these members were appointed by the FFL and two by the ICA. The call for projects opened on 12 July and will remain open until 15 October. Applications can be submitted electronically here.

This year, Luxembourg is back on the Croisette with three co-productions: Joachim Lafosse’s Palme d’Or contender The Restless [+see also:
film review
interview: Joachim Lafosse
film profile
(Samsa Film is the Luxembourgish co-producer) and two animated flicks – namely, Ari Folman’s Where Is Anne Frank [+see also:
film review
interview: Ari Folman
film profile
(out of competition, also staged by Samsa Film, among others) and Patrick Imbert’s The Summit of the Gods [+see also:
film review
film profile
(out of competition, produced in Luxembourg by Mélusine Productions). Meanwhile, Portugal is represented by one production, which is taking part in the Directors’ Fortnight, Miguel Gomes and Maureen Fazendeiro’s The Tsugua Diaries [+see also:
film review
interview: João Nunes Monteiro
interview: Maureen Fazendeiro and Migu…
film profile

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