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PRODUCTION / FUNDING France / Belgium / Italy

Shooting now imminent on Robin Campillo’s Enzo


- Eloy Pohu, Maksym Slivinskyi, Pierfrancesco Favino and Elodie Bouchez star in the Les Films de Pierre, Les Films du Fleuve and Lucky Red production

Shooting now imminent on Robin Campillo’s Enzo
Director Robin Campillo (© Dario Caruso/Cineuropa)

The first clapperboard is due to slam on Robin Campillo’s Enzo in La Ciotat on 17 June. This will be the director’s 5th feature film after They Came Back (screened in Venice’s Orizzonti line-up in 2004), Eastern Boys [+see also:
interview: Robin Campillo
film profile
(crowned Best Film in the very same festival’s Orizzonti section in 2013), BPM (Beats Per Minute) [+see also:
film review
interview: Arnaud Valois
interview: Robin Campillo
film profile
(awarded Cannes’ Grand Prize in 2016 and six Césars in 2017, including the trophy for Best Film) and Red Island [+see also:
film review
film profile
(selected in competition in San Sebastián back in 2023). Originally, the movie was supposed to be directed by the late Laurent Cantet (who passed away in April), as the two filmmakers had intertwined their professional careers by way of their friendship ever since they first started out at Idhec (the forebear of La Fémis) in 1983, with Campillo having been involved in seven of Cantet’s feature films (five times as co-screenwriter and six times as editor), notably his 2008 Palme d’Or winner The Class [+see also:
film review
interview: Carole Scotta
interview: Laurent Cantet
film profile

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Stealing focus in the cast of Enzo (whose story is penned by Laurent Cantet and Robin Campillo, but is being kept under wraps for now) are youngsters Eloy Pohu and Maksym Slivinskyi, supported by Italian star Pierfrancesco Favino (awarded the 2020 Best Actor David di Donatello for The Traitor [+see also:
film review
Q&A: Marco Bellocchio
film profile
and the Volpi Cup in Venice that same year for Padrenostro [+see also:
film review
interview: Claudio Noce
film profile
, hitting cinemas in France on 28 June via The Count of Monte Cristo [+see also:
film review
film profile
and soon to be seen in Pablo Larrain’s Maria and Gabriele Salvatores’ Napoli-New York) and Elodie Bouchez (honoured with the acting trophy in Cannes 1998 and the Best Actress César in 1999 for The Dreamlife of Angels, as well as the 2019 Best Actress Lumière for In Safe Hands [+see also:
film review
film profile
, nominated for this year’s Best Supporting Role César via All Your Faces [+see also:
film review
film profile
and  currently toplining For Night Will Come [+see also:
film review
interview: Céline Rouzet
film profile

Enzo is produced by Marie-Ange Luciani on behalf of Les Films de Pierre (who are now on their 4th Robin Campillo feature film) in co-production with France 3 Cinéma, Page 114 and Ami Paris, Belgian firms Les Films du Fleuve, BE TV and RTBF, and Italian outfit Lucky Red. Pre-purchased by Canal+ and Ciné+, the feature film also enjoys support from the Région Sud, the Métropole de Toulon, and the SOFICA companies Cinécap, La Banque Postale Image, Cofinova and Cinéaxe. The six-week film shoot will unfold in La Ciotat and Toulon between 17 June and 26 July, with Jeanne Lapoirie (nominated for the César in her speciality in 2003, 2014 and 2018) heading up photography. The film’s cinema release in France is managed by Ad Vitam Distribution.

For the record, Les Films de Pierre were recently responsible for Justine Triet’s multi-award-winning work Anatomy of a Fall [+see also:
film review
interview: Justine Triet
film profile
, as well as for Claire Burger’s Berlin competitor Foreign Tongue [+see also:
film review
interview: Claire Burger
film profile
(due for release in French cinemas on 11 September).

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(Translated from French)

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