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CANNES 2021 Marché du Film

The Party Film Sales lleva un trío de ases a Cannes


- El agente de ventas francés apostará en el Marché du Film por Jane par Charlotte de Charlotte Gainsbourg, The Sea Ahead de Ely Dagher y Retour à Reims (Fragments) de Jean-Gabriel Périot

The Party Film Sales lleva un trío de ases a Cannes
Jane par Charlotte, de Charlotte Gainsbourg

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The return to the Croisette is imminent for French international sales agency The Party Film Sales (headed by Sarah Chazelle and Etienne Ollagnier) for the Marché du Film (6-15 July) of the 74th Cannes Film Festival, where the team led by Clémence Lavigne and Samuel Blanc will be working on negotiations for three selected films, among other titles.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Shining bright in the line-up is the documentary Jane by Charlotte [+lee también:
ficha de la película
, by Charlotte Gainsbourg, a Nolita Cinema and Deadly Valentine production which will have its world premiere in the new Cannes Première programme of the Official Selection. With the tremors of passing time, Charlotte Gainsbourg has started to look at her mother Jane Birkin in a way she never did before, both of them overcoming a shared feeling of reserve. Through the camera lens, they expose themselves to one another, begin to step back and to leave some space for a mother-daughter relationship to unfold… The film’s French release on 27 October will be handled by Jour2Fête.

The Party Film Sales will also compte on two great assets, a work of fiction and a documentary at the Directors' Fortnight. With The Sea Ahead [+lee también:
ficha de la película
, Lebanese filmmaker Ely Dagher (winner of the short film Palme d’Or in 2015) will unveil his feature debut. Starring Fadi Abi Samra, Manal Issa, Rabih El Zaher, Roger Azar and Yara Abou Haidar, the film follows the path of Jana, a young woman who suddenly returns to Beirut after a long absence and finds herself reconnecting with the familiar yet strange life she had once left… The production is headed by French company Andolfi and co-produced by Beachside (USA), Abbout Productions (Lebanon), Wrong Men (Belgium) and BeaverAndBeaver (Lebanon).

The other title from the line-up that was selected for the Directors’ Fortnight section is the documentary Returning to Reims (Fragments) [+lee también:
ficha de la película
from French director Jean-Gabriel Périot (A German Youth [+lee también:
ficha de la película
, Summer Lights [+lee también:
ficha de la película
, Our Defeats [+lee también:
ficha de la película
). The politically engaged filmmaker has this time thrown himself into a loose adaptation of the eponymous autobiographical essay from sociologist Didier Eribon, and tells through archive images an intimate and political story of French workers from the beginning of the 1950s to the present day, with Adèle Haenel narrating. A documentary produced by Les Films de Pierre.

Presales (based on a promoreel) will also begin on French-Belgian co-production Too Close to the Sun [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Brieuc Carnaille. Starring Clément Roussier, Marine Vacth, Diane Rouxel, Hakim Faris and Léon Durieux, the film centres on Basil, a man in his thirties who, once discharged from the hospital, returns to live with his younger sister Sarah, his closest confidante. Living with a psychiatric disorder, Basil does his best to restore a sense of normalcy in his work and in his love life. But he hides his illness from his new acquaintances. How long can he maintain this fragile stability? This feature debut is produced by French company Vixens with Belgian company Gapbusters.

The Party Films Sales will also continue presales based on promoreel for the animated film My Neighbors’ Neighbors [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Anne-Laure Daffis and Léo Marchand, and based on trailer for To Kill the Beast from Argentine director Agustina San Martin and Goodnight, Soldier by Hiner Saleem. It will also continue sales on the documentary The Wild One by Tessa-Louise Salomé (France/USA/Germany) and Our River… Our Sky by Maysoon Pachachi (France/UK/Germany/Kuwait). Also worth noting among other markets screenings is the documentary The First 54 Years – An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation [+lee también:
entrevista: Avi Mograbi
ficha de la película
by Israeli filmmaker Avi Mograbi (discovered in Berlin).

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(Traducción del francés)

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