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Are You Series?, en el corazón de las series europeas


- La 6a edición del festival (10-16 diciembre) acogerá al maestro de las series escandinavas, Adam Price, así como series-evento como Il miracolo, L’amica geniale o Hippocrate

Are You Series?, en el corazón de las series europeas
La serie de televisión Hippocrate

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Are You Series? – the only Belgian TV series festival – is due to touch down in the heart of Brussels in mid-December (10-16) for a week of screenings and meetings devoted to the very best of contemporary TV series, valuing national productions as well as international ones.

The Belgian side of Are You Series? will open with fanfare thanks to the screening of the first episodes of the second season of Public Enemy – a hit with viewers two years ago and representing (along with The Break) the spectacular renaissance of French-language Belgian TV series. For many years Flemish television has made way for various local productions, meeting regularly with its viewers. The festival will feature two previews, Over Water, and De Dag.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Denmark's Adam Price, a pivotal figure in the new wave of Scandinavian TV series and creator of Borgen, will be in attendance as the festival’s special guest. He will be giving a masterclass and presenting his latest baby, Ride upon the Storm, which mixes intimate and political issues and is based on a family of shepherds.

Several TV series events will be screened exclusively, including two adaptations from very different worlds, My Brilliant Friend [+lee también:
ficha de la serie
, taken from Elena Ferrante's successful literary saga, a RAI and HBO co-production and Hippocrates, the new TV series by Canal+, adapted from Thomas Lilti's eponymous film.

The festival will also be making room for various mini-series and will be honouring Coincoin and the Extra Humans [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Bruno Dumont, as well as State of Happiness by the Norwegians Pål Jackman & Petter Næss, winner of Best Screenplay and Best Music at Canneseries.

Also of note is the screening of the first two episodes of Deutschland 86, a continuation of Jonas Nay’s adventures – the East German spy from Deutschland 83 – and the Italian TV series The Miracle, directed by the Italian novelist Niccolò Ammaniti, winner of the Special Jury Prize and Best Actor Award at Séries Mania.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del francés)

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