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Isabel Coixet présidente du jury de In Movie Fest 2021


- Un nouveau festival dédié au cinéma international se tiendra du 24 août au 2 septembre à Pescara, Termoli et Macerata

Isabel Coixet présidente du jury de In Movie Fest 2021
La réalisatrice Isabel Coixet (© Zoe Sala Coixet/El Deseo)

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Isabel Coixet, the world-famous Spanish filmmaker and screenwriter who won three Goya awards in 2018 thanks to The Bookshop [+lire aussi :
fiche film
and who recently directed Elisa & Marcela [+lire aussi :
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and It Snows in Benidorm [+lire aussi :
interview : Isabel Coixet
fiche film
, will preside over the Official Selection jury of In Movie Fest 2021, an international festival whose first edition will unfold in Pescara, Termoli and Macerata between 24 August and 2 September this year. This new, large-scale cinematic event is joining the global festival circuit at a time when high-quality cinema is in great need of a boost.

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“Our aim”, insist the organisers of Screen Film’s festival, “is to offer up new artistic opportunities to help overcome social-cultural crises, and to drive home the message that even the remotest and most unknown of places can be the source of innovative, artistic and intellectual ways of thinking, especially at this difficult, historic moment in time. Indeed, such times can act as a stimulus, revitalising the world with new ideas. We see this Festival as an opportunity to rejuvenate human relations, to reflect upon the conflicted relationship that human beings have with the truth, which is often characterised by denial, and to break with the order of things in the hope of changing them”.

Screen Film’s intention is “to raise the profile of works which have suffered as a result of limited distribution, with a special focus placed on emerging filmmakers”. It represents a vital opportunity for young filmmakers, producers and distributors, both in terms of the visibility it can lend to their own works but also the sizeable prizemoney accompanying the festival’s awards: €70,000 (shared equally between the producer and distributor) in the case of the Aquila Reale d’Oro (Golden Eagle): Grand Prize for Best Film, attributed to the victor by an international jury composed of 9 figures from the world of film and culture;  €20,000 (shared equally between the producer and distributor) for the work which scoops the Jury’s Special Grand Prize; €10,000 for the winner of the Aquila Reale d’Oro for Best Director; €10,000 for the Best Screenplay, and €20,000 for the film receiving the most audience votes (awarded to the distributor, who will guarantee the movie an international contract). The international jury for the Aquila Reale d’Argento (Silver Eagle) Official Selection, meanwhile, will hand out the Oltre il Limite Prize for Best Film, worth €40,000 (shared between the producer and distributor), as well as €10,000 to the Best Emerging Director and €5,000 to the Best Screenplay, with a further €15,000 headed to the title winning the most audience votes (awarded to the distributor).

The total value of the awards on offer across the festival’s various categories is around €450,000. Besides the two main sections, the festival will offer up other line-ups in the form of the Nuove Visioni Short Films Aquilino Reale d’Oro (Little Golden Eagle) Official Selection; the Virtual Reality College University International Aquilino Reale d’Argento (Little Silver Eagle) Official Selection; the Peter Pan Aquilino Reale d’Oro Official Selection; the Journalistic and Investigative International Documentaries Aquila Reale d’Argento Official Selection; the Classical, Modern, Experimental and Innovative Theatre and Dance Aquila Reale d’Oro Official Selection, and the Musical Score Aquila Reale d’Oro Official Selection. The deadline for early bird registration is 10 April.

The jurors and endorsers of the event are both diverse and high calibre. There’s the Colombian director Camila Beltran, who is jury president for the Oltre il Limite Aquila Reale d'Argento Official Selection; the Belarusian journalist and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature Svetlana Aleksijevic, who is one of the festival’s official patrons; Italian directors the Manetti Bros, who are jury presidents for the Nuove Visioni Short Films Official Selection; Venezuelan director Tom Espinoza, jury president for the Journalistic and Investigative International Documentaries section; Italian actress Cecilia Dazzi, on the jury for the Oltre il Limite Aquila Reale d'Oro Official Selection; the Iraqi activist and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize Nadia Murad, who is another of the festival’s official patrons; Mexican actress Marina De Tavira, a jury member for the Aquila Reale d'Oro Official Selection; the world motocross champion Kiara Fontanesi, on the jury of the Nuove Visioni Short Films Aquilino Reale d'Oro Official Selection; African-American director Letia Solomon, a jury member for the Journalistic and Investigative International Documentaries Aquila Reale d'Argento selection; American actress Erica Gimpel, jury president for the Theatre and Dance Official Selection; Spanish director Pilar Palomero, jury president for the Nuove Visioni Short Films selection; Chilean director Carolina Moscoso, a juror for the Short Films selection; Argentine director Julia Pesce, a jury member for the Peter Pan Official Selection; Korean director Min Min Hein, a juror for the Aquila Reale d'Oro Official Selection; Brazilian director Joao Paulo Miranda Maria, a juror for the Oltre il Limite Aquila Reale d'Argento section and, last but not least, Italian manager Virginia Stagni, a jury member for the Virtual Reality selection.

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(Traduit de l'italien)

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