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La série suisse Unsere kleine Botschaft est en tournage


- Cette sitcom réalisée par Johannes Bachmann et Johannes Schröder, dont le décor est une ambassade située en Amérique du Sud, est produite par la chaîne de télévision suisse principale

La série suisse Unsere kleine Botschaft est en tournage
Danny Exnar, Anaïs Decasper, Jonas Gygax, Susanne Kunz, Sandra Zellweger, Birgit Steinegger et Matthias Schoch dans Unsere kleine Botschaft (© SRF/Pascal Mora)

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

It has been 20 years since the last sitcom was produced for Swiss television, but national broadcaster SRF has now developed a new project. The shooting of Unsere kleine Botschaft (lit. “Our Small Embassy”) will take place until mid-February in Zurich. As for the setting of the show, it will unfurl in an office environment. More precisely, the script tells of the everyday life of employees in a fictional Swiss embassy somewhere in South America.

(L'article continue plus bas - Inf. publicitaire)

The action follows a female ambassador and her team as they face different professional and private challenges. The colleagues are close, like a family, and so they both support and fight one another, similar to the members of a real family. This is as much as is known about the plot of the series so far.

As for the cast, it will star experienced actors and comedians known to Swiss audiences, such as TV presenter Susanne Kunz and comedian Birgit Steinegger, as well as younger talents like comedian Anaïs Decasper and Jonas Gygax. One of the main characters will be played by Swiss-Colombian actress Sandra Zellweger (Tranquillo [+lire aussi :
fiche film
). Appearing in supporting roles are Matthias Schoch, Andreas Zogg (Zwingli [+lire aussi :
fiche film
), Danny Eixnar and Samuel Streiff (Der Bestatter).

The series is being directed by Johannes Bachmann (co-director of Tschugger) and Johannes Schröder. The scripts were developed in a writer’s room led by head writers Pascal Glatz (Maloney, Tschugger) and Christian Wehrlin (Tschugger), and following a concept by Marco Edmonds. Mauro Mueller will be the showrunner for the series and Björn Hering the main producer.

Unsere kleine Botschaft is a production by Fidelio Films and TV channel SRF. The airing of the series is planned for autumn 2025.

(Traduit de l'anglais)

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