We e Reconciliation trionfano al DokuFest di Prizren
- I film di Alice Diop e Marija Zidar hanno vinto rispettivamente nei concorsi internazionale e balcanico. Altri vincitori includono Rampart, Our Memory Belongs to Us, White on White
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The jubilee, 20th edition of DokuFest in Prizren, which took place 6-14 August, wrapped with Alice Diop's Berlinale prizewinner We [+leggi anche:
intervista: Alice Diop
scheda film] picking up the festival's top prize in the International Dox Competition.
Slovenian director Marija Zidar's CPH:DOX prizewinner Reconciliation [+leggi anche:
scheda film] triumphed in the Balkan Dox Competition, the true highlight of the biggest documentary festival in the region of the former Yugoslavia.
Serbian director Marko Grba Singh was dubbed Best Balkan Newcomer for Rampart [+leggi anche:
scheda film], which world-premiered at Locarno a few days before its Prizren bow, and another Serbian filmmaker, Filip Martinović, received a Special Mention for his feature debut Telenovela: Grey-Scale in Color [+leggi anche:
scheda film].
Rami Farah and Signe Byrge Sørensen's CPH:DOX entry Our Memory Belongs to Us triumphed in the Human Rights Dox section, while Viera Čákanyová's Jihlava winner White on White [+leggi anche:
scheda film] bagged the Green Dox Competition prize.
In the Truth Dox Competition, the main award went to the Sundance Audience Award winner Writing with Fire by Rintu Thomas and Sushmit Ghosh.
The International Shorts Competition for fiction films, saw Criminals by Turkish-Kurdish director Serhat Karaaslan win the top honours, while The Rifleman by the American filmmaker Sierra Pettengill picked up Best International Short Dox Award.
In the National Competition, which consisted of 16 short films made in Kosovo and Albania, Bekim Gurri's A Child won, while Valter Lucaj's Driver was voted the audience favourite.
Full list of DokuFest awards is below:
International Dox Competition
We [+leggi anche:
intervista: Alice Diop
scheda film] - Alice Diop (France)
International Short Dox Award
The Rifleman - Sierra Pettengill (USA)
Balkan Dox Competition
Main Award
Reconciliation [+leggi anche:
scheda film] - Marija Zidar (Slovenia/Serbia/Montenegro/Kosovo)
Best Balkan Newcomer
Rampart [+leggi anche:
scheda film] - Marko Grba Singh (Serbia)
Special Mention
Telenovela: Grey-Scale in Color [+leggi anche:
scheda film] - Filip Martinović (Serbia)
Human Rights Dox Competition
Our Memory Belongs to Us - Rami Farah, Signe Byrge Sørensen (Syria/Denmark/France/Palestine)
Green Dox Competition
White on White [+leggi anche:
scheda film] - Viera Čákanyová (Slovakia/Czech Republic)
Truth Dox Competition
Writing with Fire - Rintu Thomas, Sushmit Ghosh (India)
Special Mention
The Silence of the Mole - Anaïs Taracena (Guatemala)
National Film Competition
A Child - Bekim Gurri (Kosovo)
Special Mention
Mardhë - Flaka Kokolli (Kosovo)
Audience Award
Driver - Valter Lucaj (Kosovo)
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