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FIFDH Impact Days conferma il suo programma


- Il programma industry mira a mettere in contatto i professionisti che cercano di aumentare il potenziale dei loro film e avere un impatto maggiore sui responsabili del cambiamento a livello globale

FIFDH Impact Days conferma il suo programma
La conferenza stampa di annuncio del programma svoltasi la scorsa settimana (© FIFDH/Miguel Bueno)

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The fourth edition of FIFDH Impact Days is due to run from 7-8 March as an integral part of the 20th International Film Festival and Forum of Human Rights, which will unspool from 4-13 March in Geneva. The industry programme has confirmed its schedule and has opened the call for industry accreditations (please click here). It should be noted that the Impact Days event will take place in person.

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FIFDH Impact Days has already announced the selection of projects for this edition (see the news), and in addition to participants with a film, industry professionals – producers or filmmakers – can also attend, especially if they want to find the right tools to enhance the power of their films to make a positive change to the world, or find an organisation interested in using films as effective tools for their actions. Also, a number of NGOs and foundations are being invited along to find new projects that can be used as a means of bringing about social and cultural change.

As for this year’s schedule, some of the highlights include the opening keynote speech, “Letter to Tomorrow: The Cultural Imperative” by Cara Mertes, founding director of International Resource for Impact and Storytelling (IRIS). Part of IRIS’s mission is to focus its attention on, and apply its expertise to, creative strategies that address cultural power. Meanwhile, co-directors Eefje Blankevoort and Els van Driel will present a case study on their film Shadow Game, which won the Impact Award in 2020, and how this experience changed the path of their project, while Ousmane Samassekou will present a case study on his documentary The Last Shelter [+leggi anche:
scheda film
, which has been selected for this edition of the FIFDH, within the Creative Documentary section.

Furthermore, Callum Macrae will present a master class on his film No Fire Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka, which remains a great example of how a single film, and the campaign that accompanied it, has made a tangible change to the position of the international community and its attitude towards the human rights violations of a national government. Also, two panel discussions are being organised, under the topics “Impact Production and Distribution: How Best to Work Together to Strengthen Each Other?” and “Impact and Youngsters: How Best to Reach Younger Audiences with Impact Campaigns?”

The detailed schedule of the 2022 Impact Days can be found here.

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