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The European Film Academy honours Isabel Coixet with the European Achievement in World Cinema Award


- The female filmmaker with most Goya awards and the honorary president of the European Women’s Audiovisual Network will receive the prize at the 36th European Film Awards ceremony

The European Film Academy honours Isabel Coixet with the European Achievement in World Cinema Award
(© Dario Caruso/Cineuropa)

The European Film Academy will present the European Achievement in World Cinema Award to Isabel Coixet for her contribution to the world of cinema. With a total of nine, Isabel Coixet is the female filmmaker with most Spanish Goya awards, and she is also the honorary president of the European Women’s Audiovisual Network EWA. Isabel Coixet will be an honorary guest at the 36th European Film Awards ceremony on 9 December in Berlin.

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Her 1989 debut feature Demasiado viejo para morir joven got her a first nomination for Best New Director at the Goya awards. In 1996, she travelled to the USA and shot Things I Never Told You, premiered in Berlinale's Panorama, and in 2000, she founded Miss Wasabi, which has also produced outstanding video clips and documentaries. In 2003 she released My Life Without Me [+see also:
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, premiered in competition at the Berlinale and nominated for the European Film Awards, and winning two Goyas. Next, The Secret Life of Words [+see also:
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interview: Isabel Coixet
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premiered in 2005 in Venice's Orizzonti section, got Sarah Polley a nomination for the European Film Awards, and won three Spanish Goya awards, including Best Film. She returned to Berlin's Competition with Elegy [+see also:
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 starring Penélope Cruz, with Nobody Wants the Night [+see also:
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interview: Isabel Coixet
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featuring Juliette Binoche and with Netflix title Elisa & Marcela [+see also:
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. In 2009, Map of the Sounds of Tokyo [+see also:
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played in competition in Cannes. Further Goya awards followed in 2011 for Listening to the Judge (Best Documentary) and in 2018 for The Bookshop [+see also:
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(Best Film and Best Director). Another documentary, The Yellow Ceiling [+see also:
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(2022) about a group of students filing a sexual abuse complaint, thanks to which the case was consequently re-opened by the prosecution, premiered in San Sebastián, where her most recent film, Un amor [+see also:
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interview: Isabel Coixet
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, now in Spanish theatres, played in Competition.

Throughout her career, Isabel Coixet, in her films, her writings, and in her political commitment, has always stood for her beliefs and values, and given a voice to her protagonists. In 2015, she received the recognized prize by the French Ordre de Chevalier des arts et des lettres and in 2020, the National Cinema Award, presented by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sports.

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