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Ravine, mejor película húngara del año


- El largometraje de Balázs Krasznahorkai se lleva el máximo galardón de los Premios del cine húngaro de 2021

Ravine, mejor película húngara del año
El director Balázs Krasznahorkai recibe su premio a Mejor película húngara del año (© Marta Istvan)

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Handed out at the closing ceremony of the brand-new Hungarian Motion Picture Festival (see the news), the Hungarian Motion Picture Awards, given to the best Hungarian productions of the year, singled out Ravine, the feature debut by Balázs Krasznahorkai, as the big winner. The story, written by the director himself, revolves around Hungarian obstetrician Bálint Grassai, who left his native village in Maramures, Romania, many years ago to attend medical school in Budapest. He also left behind a son whom he never met, the result of a short affair with a local woman. At Easter, when Bálint returns to bury his father, he is forced to decide the fate of his abandoned son. Simon is now a self-destructive and rebellious 17-year-old, beholden to local gang leader Dumitru. On the cusp of becoming a father again, Bálint is wrenched back into the stark and unforgiving world he left behind. Production duties on Ravine were handled by Pipacs Film and AGA Media. Its international sales are handled by the Hungarian National Film Institute.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Also worth pointing out is the Best Actor Award handed to Tibor Gáspár for his turn in The Inventor [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Bence Gyöngyössy, while the equivalent female prize went to an actress in a TV movie: Ildikó Hámori for Pilate by Linda Dombrovszky (who herself scooped the Best Director Award). It was a surprising mix of genres, which is perhaps the result of the limited number of films that were eligible, owing to the health crisis, or which may well foreshadow a future in which the blurred lines between film, TV and platforms will become even fuzzier. Watch this space…

Lastly, it is worth noting that the Berlinale Silver Bear winner Natural Light [+lee también:
entrevista: Dénes Nagy
ficha de la película
by Dénes Nagy was victorious in the Best Screenplay and Best Costumes categories, and that Post Mortem [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Péter Bergendy pocketed four trophies in the technical categories.

Here is the full list of winners:

Best Feature Film
Ravine - Balázs Krasznahorkai

Best TV Film
Pilate - Linda Dombrovszky

Best TV Series
Strangled - Árpád Sopsits

Best Short Film
1919 - János Bozsogi

Best Animated Short Film
The Demolisher of the World and the Restorers - Ferenc Cakó

Best Full-length Documentary
Our Kodály - Eszter Petrovics

Best Short Documentary
Genocide in Pozsonyligetfalu - Zoltán Udvardy and Dávid Géczy

Best First Feature Director
Péter Varsics - Perfect As You Are

Best Director
Linda Dombrovszky – Pilate

Best Actress
Ildikó Hámori - Pilate

Best Actor
Tibor Gáspár - The Inventor [+lee también:
ficha de la película

Best Supporting Role
György Cserhalmi - Rododendron (short film)

Best Cinematography
András Nagy – Post Mortem [+lee también:
ficha de la película

Best Screenplay
Dénes Nagy – Natural Light [+lee también:
entrevista: Dénes Nagy
ficha de la película

Best Sound
Imre Madácsi - Budapest Heist [+lee también:
ficha de la película

Best Editor
István Király - Post Mortem

Best Visual Design
Balázs Hujber - Post Mortem

Best Costumes
Ágh Márton - Natural Light

Best Make-up
Dániel Hámori - Post Mortem

Best Music
Selmeczi György - Ardere et Lucere

Audience Award
The Taxi Driver - László Béres (short film)

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del francés)

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