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VENECIA 2016 Mercado

El Venice Gap-Financing Market presenta los proyectos seleccionados


- En inglés: Una oportunidad para conseguir financiación internacional para 25 películas de ficción y documentales y 15 proyectos interactivos y de realidad virtual, series de TV e internet

El Venice Gap-Financing Market presenta los proyectos seleccionados

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The Venice Production Bridge, a project introduced this year as part of the 73rd Venice Film Festival as a way of giving continuity to the Venice Film Market, which was launched in 2012 (see article), whilst also taking it to the next level and making it more specialised, will be held from 1 to 5 September at the Hotel Excelsior on the Lido.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

The new VPB will be more specifically dedicated to the presentation and exchange of unreleased films and works in progress, to encourage their development and production.  It will also focus on one of the main changes characterising modern-day production: the co-existence, facilitated by the digital revolution, of different platforms: TV series, micro-series watched on the Internet and, above all, the new frontier represented by VR/Virtual Reality, which is currently attracting the most investment and subject to the most advanced of technological research. The VPB will be open to commercial stakeholders operating in these fields.

The Venice Gap-Financing Market will be held over two days (2-3 September 2016), and will give the 40 European and international projects chosen the opportunity to secure international funding. 25 fictional feature film and documentary projects and 15 virtual reality and interactive projects, web series and TV series have been chosen, for which one-to-one meetings will be organised between individual teams (producer and director) and important movers and shakers in the film industry (producers, private and public investors, banks, distributors, sales agents, TV commissioners, web and video platforms, institutions, post-production companies, etc.).

The 25 projects chosen are as follows(18 fictional feature projects (9 from Europe and 9 from outside Europe) that have yet to complete their financial structure with minority co-production shares, having already secured 70% of their funding, and 7 narrative or creative documentaries (which will be presented in the same way as the films):


1 - Alien Food - Giorgio Cugno (Italy/Denmark/France)
2 - Birth - Jessica Krummacher (Germany/Turkey)
3 - Funan, the New People - Denis Do (France/Luxembourg/Belgium)
4 - God Exists, Her Name is Petrunija - Teona Sturgar Mitevska (Macedonia)
5 - Luxembourg - Myroslav Slaboshpytskiy (Germany/Ukraine/France/Norway)
6 - The Intruder [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Leonardo Di Costanzo (Italy/Switzerland/France)
7 - The Nature of Time - Karim Moussaoui (France)
8 - The Song of Scorpions - Anup Singh (Switzerland)
9 - Touch Me Not [+lee también:
entrevista: Adina Pintilie
ficha de la película
- Adina Pintilie  (Romania/France/Bulgaria) 

Countries outside Europe
10 - A Worthy Companion - Carlos & Jason Sanchez (Canada)
11 - Brief Story from the Green Planet - Santiago Loza (Argentina/Germany)
12 - Dolores - Gonzalo Tobal (Argentina/France/Spain)
13 - Let It Be Morning - Eran Kolirin (Israel/France)
14 - Lily and the Dragonflies - René Guerra (Brazil/Denmark)
15 - Los perros [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Marcela Said (Chile/Germany/Argentina)
16 - Sollers Point - Matt Porterfield (USA/France)
17 - The Seen and Unseen [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Kamila Andini (Indonesia)
18 - Wajib - Annemarie Jacir (Palestine/France/Germany/Norway/Denmark)


19 - Apolonia, Apolonia - Lea Glob (Denmark)
20 - Cain, Abel and the CowgirlDina Salah Amer (United Kingdom/France/USA)
21 - Gold Mine - Ben Russell (France)
22 - Latifa [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Olivier Peyon, Cyril Brody (France)
23 - The Real Estate [+lee también:
entrevista: Axel Petersén y Måns Månsson
ficha de la película
- Axel Petersén, Måns Månsson (Sweden/Denmark)
24 - Tierra del mal - Daniele Incalcaterra, Fausta Quattrini (Italy/Argentina) 

Countries outside Europe
25 - Impeachment - Petra Costa (Brazil)

Web and Tv Series (7 projects) + Virtual Reality and Interactive Projects (8 short-medium-length artistic-narrative projects to be made using virtual reality technology)

1 - Ashes to Ashes (the Netherlands) VR - Submarine Channel
2 - Exode di Gabo Arora (USA) VR - Un/Verse, Lightshed
3 - Nomads (Canada) VR - Felix & Paul Studios
4 - Our Baby - Simon Bouisson (France) VR - La Générale de production
5 - The Future of Forever: Welcome to the Other Side - Anna Brezezinska  (Poland) VR - Unlimited Film Operations
6 - Trinity - Patrick Boivin (Canada) VR - Unlimited Vr
7 - Oh Moscow - Sally Potter (United Kingdom) Interactive/Multimedia Experience - Adventure Pictures
8 - The Boy in the Book - Fernando De Jesus (United Kindom) Interactive/Web series - CYOD Ltd., Thinking Violets
9 - Difficult Second Coming - Dylan Edwards (United Kingdom) Web series - Electric Sandbox
10 - Music on the Road - Benoit Pergent (France) Web series - Les Films du Poisson
11 - Referees - Giampiero Judica (Italy) Web series - 3Zero2 SpA
12 - Aurora (Italy) TV series - Publispei Srl
13 - Bullfinch (Germany) TV series - Zentropa Hamburg GmbH
14 - Nemesi (Italy) TV series - Indigo Film
15 - School Of Champions - Clemens Aufderklamm (Germany/Switzerland) TV series - Catpics Ltd

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del italiano)

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