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by Roan Johnson


Piuma tells the story of Ferro and Cate, two kids trying to get to grips with an unplanned pregnancy, their families (rebellious Ferro’s hospitable, “normal” family, and level-headed Cate’s unhinged, atypical one), exams at school, friends and a general lack of jobs. The two lead characters are about to go through the most exciting and complicated nine months of their lives, all the while trying to hold on to their purity and their poetic point of view that makes them so special.

original title: Piuma
country: Italy
sales agent: True Colours
year: 2016
genre: fiction
directed by: Roan Johnson
film run: 98'
release date: IT 20/10/2016
screenplay: Roan Johnson, Ottavia Madeddu, Carlotta Massimi, Davide Lantieri
cast: Luigi Fedele, Blu Yoshimi, Michela Cescon, Sergio Pierattini, Francesco Colella, Francesca Antonelli, Clara Alonso, Francesca Turrini, Brando Pacitto, Massimo Reale, Bruno Squeglia
cinematography by: Davide Manca
film editing: Paolo Landolfi, Davide Vizzini
art director: Mauro Vanzati
costumes designer: Andrea Cavalletto
music: Lorenzo Tomio
producer: Carlo Degli Esposti, Nicola Serra
production: Sky Cinema, Palomar
backing: Unipol Banca, MiBACT, Regione Lazio
distributor: Lucky Red

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