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by Riccardo Paoletti


During a weekend a group of friends, holed up in an isolated house in the countryside, are attacked by a swarm of killer mosquitos that fest on human flesh like piranhas. They soon find out that the only deterrent against these insects is THC, the main active ingredient in cannabis. Their only hope of survival is to confront them when stoned. With all the possible consequences...

international title: Killer mosquitos
original title: Tafanos
country: Italy
sales agent: Minerva Pictures Group
year: 2018
genre: fiction
directed by: Riccardo Paoletti
film run: 90'
screenplay: Andrea Garello
cast: Alessio Lapice, Cristina Marino, Salvatore Langella, Filippo Tirabassi, Maria Grazia Giannetta
cinematography by: Corrado Serri
film editing: Andrea Gagliardi
art director: Roberto Conforti
costumes designer: Roberto Conforti
music: La Batteria
producer: Gianluca Curti
production: Minerva Pictures Group, Sky Cinema

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