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BERLINALE 2013 Market / France

Lose Your Head for Reel Suspects


- Selected for the Panorama, the German psycho-thriller by duo Stefan Westerwelle - Patrick Schuckmann will be sold at the EFM by the young Parisian company

Celebrating its second year of activity, the French international sales company Reel Suspects managed by Matteo Lovadina will be placing its bets on a very promising asset at the European Film Market to be held during the 63rd Berlinale (February 7th to 17th, 2013), with the German psycho-thriller Lose Your Head [+see also:
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. Directed by the duo Stefan Westerwelle (Special Mention for Best Debut Film in Lugarno in 2006 with While You Are Here) and Patrick Schuckmann (who wrote the screenplay and here signs his first feature film as a director), this Mutter-Film production will stage its world premiere at the Panorama on Friday, February 8th.

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Starring Spanish actor Fernando Tielve alongside Marko Mandic, Sesede Terziyan, Stavros Yagulis and Samia Chancrin, Lose Your Head is centered around a party-loving Spanish tourist who gets lost in Berlin, a tale inspired by a news item published a few years ago about the disappearance of a young Portuguese man after a night out at the Berghain (a famous night-club in Berlin). Just like thousands of other young tourists, Luis (Fernando Tielve) arrives from Madrid to have a ball in Berlin during a summer weekend. After a break-up, Berlin's uninhibited world of night-clubs seems ideal to forget his sadness, meet new friends and fall in love. But his resemblance to a young Greek student, who had disappeared a few weeks previously, will throw Luis into a series of mysterious events. What starts as a romantic adventure turns into a desperate chase through the streets where he soon loses himself between paranoia and reality.  

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(Translated from French)

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